Use the magic of 3D to spice up your project.
Created by PenguinMod.
Monitors Plus
New variable blocks and new monitor types.
Created by SharkPool.
Tune Shark
Advanced Sound Engine for playing your sounds and more. Inspired by LilyMakesThings
Created by SharkPool.
Share your screen and get the current frame as a image.
Created by pooiod7.
Lazy Collisions
W.I.P Description
Created by SharkPool.
Newgrounds Audio
Fetch Audio and Audio Information from Newgrounds. Works best with Tune Shark
Created by SharkPool.
Scratch Utitlites
Do many things via the Scratch API; you can even fetch cloud data from projects!
Created by SharkPool.
Good prompts for PenguinGPT
Created by LoganCreatez.
SnailShare API
Fetch details of projects and users from Snailshare.
Created by BA4X.
Pang API
Fetch details of projects and users from PenguinMod.
Created by oc9x97.
Detect human poses quickly and accurately with a normal WebCam without using a special device
Created by champierre.
Use facetracking in your projects!
Created by champierre.
Do more complex things with hardware via the serial ports.
Created by champierre.
Control DFRobot Maqueen.
Created by Vernier.
Image Classification Blocks.
Created by champierre.
Tile Grids
W.I.P Description
Created by SharkPool.
Key Simulator
Simulate pressing a key on the keyboard.
Created by CubesterYT.
Site Runtime
A Combined version of 2 Extensions: Packager Applications & AdaBrowser
Created by MrIncredibleMaker.
Interact with the web browser, orginally in Adacraft.
ChatGPT in Snail IDE/PenguinMod has been taken to a whole new level with PenguinGPT. (This replaces the ChatGPT extension and is backwards compatible)
Created by cicerorph & Anonymous-cat1.
Use Google Gemini in your projects
Created by cicerorph.
Measure how many people are using your projects using the Ruby API.
Created by cicerorph.
Get a lot of data from Wikipedia, like definitions and images!
Created by Gen1X.
1MB Shortener
Using 1mb Api you can now share links without it being long!
Created by cicerorph.
Random Utils
Random utilites that you may or may not use.
Perlin Noise
Blocks for generating and using Perlin noise. Good for generating terrain, clouds, and other things.
Save Data
Extremely easy way to save data.
Created by Mr_rudy.
Toggle a dramatic grayscale effect on your project.
Created by Mr_rudy.
Interact with your Roku tv via the GM2Helper software!
Created by gvbvdxx.
Randomly Blocks
Utilitys to have your project feel like a website
Created by mariocraft987.
Create your own amazing extensions using a scratch-based UI!
Created by Started by JeremyGamer13, continued by jwklong.
Snail IDE version of TurboBuilder
Created by Started by JeremyGamer13, continued by jwklong, modified by nmsderp.
Create your own extensions using Blockly.
Created by chickencuber.
Blockly math blocks.
Created by Google.
Draw with your sprites.
Animated Text
Bring words to life.
Handle large JSON files at an extreme speed
Created by skyhigh173.
Money Utilities
Convert Currencies and get Currency Information.
Created by SharkPool.
Video Sensing
Sense motion with the camera.
Cloud Storage
Store data in a database, similar to Storage and Better Storage, but powered by a Snap! extension.
Created by pooiod7.
Text to Speech 2.0
Make your projects talk with the TikTok API.
Asset Manager
Add, remove, and get data from various types of assets.
Inline Blocks
Create quick blocks for simple tasks. Insert them into any circle spot and have them return any value you want.
Created by PenguinMod.
Text to Speech
Make your projects talk.
Created by Amazon Web Services.
Speech to Text
Talk to your projects.
Created by sayamindu.
Translate text into many languages.
Created by Google.
Makey Makey
Make anything into a key.
Created by JoyLabz.
A better way to handle audio from urls.
Search Params
Interact with URL search parameters: the part of the URL after a question mark.
Numerical Encoding
Encode strings as numbers for cloud variables
Augmented Reality
Shows image from camera and performs motion tracking, allowing 3D projects to correctly overlay virtual objects on real world.
Camera Sensing Plus
Improved camera sensing
Blocks to give you cat facts. 😻
Created by Gen1X.
Create and edit .zip format files, including .sb3 files.
Blocks for reading and creating files.
Extended Sound
Free speed and pitch control, starting sounds at certain positions, stopping sounds, etc.
Operators Expansion
More operators like nand, nor, character code to character, reading multiple lined text line by line, etc.
Sensing Expansion
More sensing blocks for specific use cases or interacting with the user's device.
Blocks for handling JSON objects and Arrays.
Box2D Physics extension created by Griffpatch.
Smoothly animating values using different easing functions and directions.
Expansion of Scratch's clone features.
Multiple Timers
Create different timers you can control seperately.
Temporary Variables
Create variables for use in one block stack. Useful to not clutter the variable list with variables you only use once.
Runtime Modifications
Blocks for updating Scratch objects like the stage and sprites.
Store data after PenguinMod has already been closed out. Basic Server Storage is also included.
Website Requests
Blocks to communicate with APIs and websites.
CloudLink 4
A powerful WebSocket extension for Scratch.
Blocks for specific use-cases or major convenience.
Odd Messages
For logging and variable utilization.
HTML iframe Elements
Blocks to place and move around frames that contain HTML content or websites.
Color Utility Blocks
Converters for Hex, RGB, HSV and Decimal colors and other color related things.
Labelling and Placeholders.
Object Oriented Programming
OOP blocks. OOp is a programming paradigm that uses objects and their interactions to design applications and computer programs.
Basic utilities for any fast food employee
Have your sprites render as other images or costumes
Longman Dictionary
Get the definitions of words from the Longman Dictionary
Make some moosic
HTML Canvas
Extra drawing tools using an HTML Canvas. Works well when used with other extensions.
Directly access gamepads instead of just mapping buttons to keys.
Clipping and Blending
Clipping outside of a specified rectangular area and additive color blending.
Pointer Lock
A extension to lock the mouse pointer in the stage.
Mouse Cursor
A extension to change what the mouse cursor looks like on the stage
Scratch Authentication
Get a user's scratch name to prove they are a real scratch user.
Play videos from URLs.
micro:bit with USB
Blocks to interact with micro:bit through a USB cable connection
Created by Vittascience.
Adacraft Runtime
Special blocks that interact with the vm.
Unfinished PenguinMod Extension.
Created by PenguinMod.
Screen Resolution
Get the resolution of the primary screen.
Similar to the JavaScript extension but for TypeScript
Run your own custom code written in JavaScript!
Better Input
Expansion to the Ask and Wait blocks.
Created by SharkPool-SP.
Access the GD api.
Created by SharkPool-SP.
Get the latitude and longitude of the International Space Station
TurboWarp Blocks
Special blocks from TurboWarp, even more added from Snail IDE.
Connect your projects with the world.
Created by micro:bit.
Build interactive robots and more.
Created by LEGO.
Bring robotic creations to life.
Created by LEGO.
LEGO Education WeDo 2.0
Build with motors and sensors.
Created by LEGO.
Go Direct Force & Acceleration
Sense pull, push, motion, and spin.
Created by Vernier.